Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Responds To Two Separate MVA's In Same Location

The Sunday before Veteran’s Day, November 10th, 2013, was a busy day for the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department. The department handled a total of seven alarms throughout the day, including four emergency medical calls and three motor vehicle accidents. At 12:12PM, Companies 3, 5 and the Ambulance Unit were dispatched to the intersection of the Long Island Expressway South Service Road and Shelter Rock Road for a reported motor vehicle accident with entrapment. Chief of Department Pisani (8702), as well as Deputy Chiefs Farrone (8705), Garrigan (8703) and Kiess (8701) all responded and were advised that Nassau County P.D. units were on scene requesting the Hurst tool to extricate the driver from one of the vehicles involved. Once on scene, the crew of Heavy Rescue 8730 used their extrication equipment to free the trapped driver who was then packaged and transported by Ambulance 8768 to a local area hospital.

About an hour later, at 1:09PM, the same Manhasset-Lakeville Companies were dispatched once again to Shelter Rock Road, this time to the entrance ramp of the Northern State Parkway for a reported overturned automobile. Upon the arrival of the first units, a vehicle was found overturned on its roof and that both occupants had self-extricated. The crew of Ambulance 8768 and a NCPD Ambulance each packaged and transported one patient to local area hospitals, while the crews of Squad 8759 and Heavy Rescue 8730 handled a fuel spill in the roadway.

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