Konata Ragin - Company # 3
Michael Dea - Company # 1

Deputy Chief Michael Rice
Company # 1

Deputy Chief Gregory Weisburd
Company # 2
Deputy Chief Scott Chen
Company # 5

Michael Bernatovich
Company # 3

Sevan Yepharian
Company # 4

Carly Farrone
Company # 5
Barry Ceasar
Company # 4
Claire Scherder
Ambulance Unit
Giulia Marino
Ambulance Unit

The Manhasset-Lakeville Junior Fire Department was established in 2016. The program is open to any teen, 14-16 years old. The juniors meet monthly to learn about the fire department. The juniors train like regular firefighters and EMTs. We are also a member of the Nassau County Junior Firefighter's Association. There are other various dates where the junior firefighters attend department and county-wide functions as well as marching in parades. The juniors are issued gear and a dress uniform. This program not only teaches skills and techniques about firefighting and some basic EMS, but it also reinforces a positive environment and concentrates on responsibility, social interaction, and leadership.This program is a great way to get in place to become a member of the Manhasset Lakeville Fire Department. After the junior member turns 17, he or she will become eligible to join one of the Manhasset Lakeville Fire Department companies.