
High Axel Vehicle 879




Acela Conversion




Rescue 8710

Rescue 8713


2023 Hackney / Ford F550 Light Rescue

Water Rescue Equipment

All Whelen Emergency Warning Lights

Fire Research Corp Scene Lights

Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Chief Vehicles


2019 Chevrolet Suburban 1500



2017 Chevrolet Suburban


 8703 2015

2022 Chevrolet Suburban LS 



2020 Chevrolet Suburban


IMG 4040

2016 Chevrolet Suburban LS


2011 8702

2015 Chevrolet Suburban

Designated Spare Chiefs Vehicle*

Former 8703 Vehicle




Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Ambulances

 Click the links below for more information on each piece of apparatus:


Ambulance 8769 

Ambulance 8769
2020 Demers Type I Ambulance


Ambulance 8767
2024 Demers Type I Ambulance



Ambulance 8768
2024 Demers Type I Ambulance


Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Rescues

Click the links below for more information on each piece of apparatus.


Rescue 8713 

Rescue 8713
2001 American LaFrance Light Rescue

IMG 7997 

Rescue 8710
2023 Hackney/Ford F550 Light Resce



New 8730

Rescue 8730
2018 KME Rescue Pumper


Squad 8759
2011 Smeal Resuce Pumper


Antique Engine 8750


Antique Engine 8750


About Antique Engine 8750:  

In October of 1994, the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department went to Hawthorne, New York to pick up their old pumper, which had been sitting in the woods for ten years.

Engine 8750 was originally purchased in the winter of 1948 as the first new piece of equipment for Company #5, which was organized just three years earlier. This Class "A" Pumper was bought to serve the south-side of the district, which after World War II was expanding southward toward New Hyde Park. The Engine served Company #5 until 1963 when a 1500GPM Young Pumper on a Ford Chassis replaced it. Instead of being placed into retirement, the engine was sent over to Company #4 where it was used as their second due engine until 1968, when it was replaced by a 1500GPM Hahn Pumper.

In that year it was sold to Floral Park Center, where it was in service until the early 1980's. When they put it out of service, it was purchased by Deputy Chief Joe Geiman from Company #5 and used for his personal use. When a home and monies were unavailable for the restoration it needed, Joe sold it to Firefighter Charles Ledig. When Charlie retired he took the Engine with him upstate.

The Engine was parked in Charlie's backyard where it sat until the fall of 1994 when Mrs. Ledig called down to inform us she wanted to get rid of it, asking if we would like it before she called a junk yard. So our journey began with the help of the Great Neck Alert Fire Company. With their cooperation and the use of their tractor-trailer, we headed north to pull old Engine 8750 out of the woods and trailer her home to Manhasset.

Upon arrival back in our district, we unloaded and parked the Engine in the rear of Company #4's firehouse. The Engine was made to run and be driven to our main plant where the Fire Commissioners gave us a garage to work in.

Like any restoration, pictures were taken for reference and the long process began. With the exception of refinishing the chrome and rebuilding the alternator, all the work was done in house. With a half a dozen members the job was slowly completed although we always found something else to do.

From October 1994 until the present, extensive restoration work has been performed. We now are still working on the Engine and are continually cleaning it, and keeping it in prime condition for all the shows which our committee attends annually.

We hope you like what work we have done with this antique, and hope to see you at the next show!

Members of the M-LFD Antique Truck Committee:

Frank Bridges

Robert DeVito
Neil Hicks Sr.
Patrick McGrath
John Boesch
Scott Garrigan
William Mazurkiewicz
Jonathan Staller
Alex Sequiera


Before Photographs:





Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Other Vehicles
 IMG 7016

EMS First Response Vehicle 8799

This 2015 Ford Expedition is used by the Ambulance Unit as a first response vehicle.  It is staffed by an EMT or EMT-CC and can either respond directly to the scene to initiate immediate patient care or respond to quarters to get the ambulance on the road.  It is equipped with the latest emergency medical equipment for emergency medical service first response.



This Polaris XP is equipped with interchangable beds for firefighting and EMS and can get to places where traditional apparatus can't go.  The firefighting bed has a pump, tank and booster hose while the EMS bed has an attendant's seat as well as storage for medical equipment and a stokes basket for a patient.  This vehicle was purchased using grant money obtained by State Senator Jack Martins.


High Axle Vehicle 879

This Acela conversion is used to respond to high-water rescues and other emergencies is bad weather.


Photo Coming Soon 

Fire Police Unit Van 8790

This van is used by the Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Fire Police Unit at emergency scenes as well as various department events.



Department Van 8791

This Ford Transit Van is used to transport department members to and from fire department-related events.

Photo Coming Soon 

Department Van 8792

This Ford Transit Van is used to transport department members to and from fire department-related events.

 Photo Unavailable

Department Van 8793

This Ford Transit Van is used to transport department members to and from fire department-related events.

 Photo Coming Soon

Department Pickup 8794

This Ford Transit Van is used to transport department members to and from fire department-related events.

Photo Coming Soon

Department Van 8793

This Ford Transit Van is used to transport department members to and from fire department-related events.





Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Ladders

Click the links below for more information on each unit.




Tower Ladder 8720
2014 KME Tower Ladder

Q8728 19

Quint 8728
2019 KME Quint


Ladder 8743

Ladder 8743
2008 Smeal Aerial Ladder


IMG 6836

Tower Ladder 8744
2018 KME Tower Ladder


Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Engines

Click the links below for more information on each piece of apparatus.


 Engine 8711

Engine 8711
2006 KME XLFD Pumper

Engine 8712 

Engine 8712
2013 Spartan ERV Pumper

 Engine 8725

Engine 8725
1991 Pierce Lance Pumper


 Engine 8734

Engine 8734
2020 KME Pumper

 Engine 8735

Engine 8735
2000 KME Renegade Pumper

Engine 8740 

Engine 8740
2006 KME XLFD Pumper


 Engine 8756

Engine 8756
1997 KME Excel Pumper

 Engine 8751

Engine 8751
2021 KME Pumper


8705 Truck

IMG 4040

2016 Chevrolet Suburban LS

8704 Truck

8704 Truck


2013 Chevrolet Suburban 2500 Series

8703 Truck

8703 Truck

2015 Chevrolet Suburban LS Series

8702 Truck

8702 Truck


2011 Chevrolet Suburban 1500 Series

8701 Truck

8701 Chief Truck


2010 Chevrolet Suburban 1500 Series

EMS Fly Car 8799

IMG 7016


2011 Ford Expedition

Used as the Ambulance Unit's First Response Vehicle or "Fly Car"

Equipped with emergency medical equipment for EMS first response

Whelen "Tip-Up" Highway Bars donated in 2018


Ambulance 8767


2024 Demers Type I Ambulance
Ford F-450 Series Heavy Duty Chassis
Whelen LED Emergency Lighting

Ambulance 8769

Ambulance 8769

2020 Demers Type I Ambulance
Ford F-450 4x4 Super Duty Chassis
Whelen Emergency Warning/Scene Lighting
Fire Research Corporation Spectra Additional Scene Lighting
Stryker Power-Load System








Ambulance 8768


2024 Demers Type 1 Ambulance
Ford F-450 Super Duty Chassis
Whelen LED Emergency Lighting




Squad 8759

Squad 8759

2011 Smeal Rescue Pumper
Smeal Sirius ELFD 7-man Crew Cab
Hale 1250GPM Qflo Plus Single Stage Midship Pump
Fire Research INControl Pump Governor & Foam Pro System
15kW Generator with 9kW Command Light Tower
200 Gallon Water Tank
30 Gallon Foam Cell
600' of 5" Supply Line
250' of 2 1/2" Dead Lay
(2) 200' 1" 3/4 Pre-Connects
50' Booster Reel

Hydraulic Ladder Rack with:
24' Extension Ladder
10' Roof Ladder
Folding Attic Ladder

Hurst Octcoflow PTO Hydraulic Pump with the following rescue tools pre-connected:
(2) Hurst Spreaders - KL-32 & ML-32B
(2) Hurst Cutters - ML-50 & X-Tractor II
(3) Hurst Rams - 22", 36", 60"

Paratech Standard Vehicle Stabilization Kit


Rescue 8713

Rescue 8713


2001 American La France Metropolitan Light Rescue

250GPM Pump w/300 Gallon booster tank

Rescue 8730

New 8730

 2018 KME Rescue Pumper

 KME Severe Service XLFD with 16" Raised Roof

Hale DSD 150 Single Stage Pump
300 Gallon Poly Water Tank
30 Gallon Foam Tank

Harrison PTO/HYD Generator





Quint 8728

Q8728 19


2019 KME Quint
109' Rear Mount Aerial Ladder
1250 GPM Pump with 500 Gallon Tank
30 Gallon Foam Tank

Tower Ladder 8744

IMG 6836

2018 KME Tower Ladder
8-Man Crew Cab
95' Tower Ladder w/Pre-Piped Master Stream
Multiple Ground Ladders

Tower Ladder 8720



2014 KME Tower Ladder
7-Man Crew Cab
100' Tower Ladder w/Pre-Piped Master Stream
Cummins 550HP Engine
Allison Transmission
15KW Generator
Multiple Ground Ladders

Ladder 8743

Ladder 8743


2008 Smeal 105' Rear Mount Aerial Ladder
Smeal Sirius ELFD Chassis
10" Raised Roof 8-Man Crew Cab
500lb. Aerial Ladder Tip Load while flowing 1250GPM
Cummins ISM 500HP Engine
Allison 4000 EVP 5-Speed Transmission
Harrison 15kW PTO Generator
Blue LED Aerial Ladder Rung Lighting
MSA Evolution 5200HD Thermal Imagining Camera
MSA Solaris Multi-Gas Detector
(2) Husqvarna K960 Circular Saws [1 Roof, 1 Forcible Entry]
Cutters Edge Fire Rescue Chainsaw & Makita Chainsaw
(2) Milwaukee Sawzalls Recip Saws [1 Corded, 1 Cordless]
Panasonic Toughbook 19 MDT
All LED Emergency Lighting


Engine 8751

Engine 8751

2021 KME 2,000GPM Pumper
750 Gallon Booster Tank
Severe Service Chasis
Top Mount Pump Panel


Engine 8756

Engine 8756


1997 KME Excel Chassis w/Custom 20" Raised Roof
1,500GPM Hale Pump
400HP Cummins Engine
500 Gallon Booster Tank
10-Man Crew Cab
Custom Interior Cab Mounted Pump Panel
Rear Booster Line
Formally assigned as M-LFD Company #4's Engine 8746

Engine 8740

Engine 8740


2006 KME XLFD Chassis w/8-man Crew Cab
1500GPM Pumper w/500 Gallon Booster Tank
20 Gallon Class "B" Foam Tank
Top Mount Pump Panel w/Master Stream
 100' of 1" 3/4 Front Bumper "Car Fire" Hose Line
1,000' of 5" Supply Line
600' of 2 1/2" Dead-Lay Line
300' of 2 1/2" Preconnect
400' of 2 1/2" Attack Line underneath 300' of 1" 3/4
(2) 1" 3/4 Preconnected Attack Lines, 300' & 250'
250' Booster Hose Reel
Whelen LED Emergency Lighting

 Engine 8740 is dedicated to the memory of Chief Lee T. Strickland, who proudly served as the Deputy Chief of Company #4 for eight years and regretfully passed away while serving as the Chief of Department in June 2006.


Engine 8735

Engine 8735


2000 KME Renegade Chassis
1500 GPM Pumper w/500 Gallon Booster Tank
20 Gallon Foam Tank
10-Man Crew Cab
400HP Engine
Detriot Diesel Allison Transmission
1,000' of 5" Supply Line
500' of 3" Supply Line
(3) 1" 3/4 Pre-Connected Crosslays of 350', 300' and 250'
500' of 2 1/2" Attack Line
150' 1" 3/4 Rear Foam Pre-connect
150' 2 1/2" Pre-Connect on top of an additional supply of 250'
Rear Booster Line
MSA Evolution 5000 Thermal Imaging Camera

Engine 8735 is dedicated to Co. #3 Ex-Captain Thomas Comesky Sr.

Engine 8734

Engine 8734

2020 KME 2,000GPM Pumper
500 Gallon Booster Tank
Severe Service Chasis
Top Mount Pump Panel
Cummins L9 450 HP Engine
30 Gallon Foam Tank


Engine 8734 is dedicated in honor of Ex-Captain Let Hicks, Ex-Chief Neil Hicks, and in loving memory of Ex-Captain John Fagan


Engine 8725

Engine 8725


1991 Pierce 1500GPM Pumper
500 Gallon Booster Tank
20 Gallon Foam Tank
Top Mount Pump Panel
Twin Booster Reels
10-man Crew Cab

Engine 8711 

Engine 8711


2006 KME XLFD 1500GPM Pumper
500 Gallon Booster Tank
20 Gallon Class "B" Foam Tank
8-man Crew Cab
100' of 1" 3/4 Front Bumper "Car Fire" Attack Line
1,000' of 5" Supply Line
800' of 2 1/2" Dead-Lay Line
300' of 2 1/2" Pre-Connect
300' of 2 1/2" Attack Line underneath 300' of 1" 3/4
(2) 1" 3/4 Pre-Connected Attack Lines at 300' and 250'
Booster Reel
Top Mount Pump Panel w/Master Stream
Whelen LED Emergency Lighting

Engine 8712

Engine 8712


2013 Spartan ERV 1500GPM Pumper

Code 3 LED Emergency Lighting

Engine 8712 is dedicated to the memory of Company #1 Ex-Captain Thomas A. Tranfaglia who proudly served as Captain from March 1970-1972 and passed away in 2011.


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