On Tuesday, Oct. 10, residents in the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District approved the issuance of serial bonds in an amount not to exceed $10 million to proceed with the construction of a new ambulance station, located at 70 Cumberland Avenue in the Village of Lake Success. The referendum was approved by a vote of 490-410.

General Info


Contact Us

The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department urges that when you need our emergency assistance for Fire, Rescue or EMS, that you dial (516) 466-4411.

For all non-emergency inquires, please dial (516) 466-4416.

Manhasset-Lakeville Chief's Office:
170 East Shore Road
Great Neck, NY 11023
Phone: (516) 466-4416
Fax: (516) 466-4435
Email: chiefs at mlfd dot com
Manhasset-Lakeville Firehouse Locations:

 co1 firehouse s

Company #1 Firehouse
35 Bayview Avenue
Manhasset, NY 11030

 co2 firehouse s

Company #2 Firehouse
2 Community Drive East
Manhasset, NY 11030

 co3 firehouse s

Company #3 Firehouse
25 Prospect Street
Great Neck, NY 11021

 co4 firehouse s

Company #4 Firehouse
97 Jayson Avenue
Great Neck, NY 11021

 co5 firehouse s

Company #5 Firehouse
21 78th Avenue
New Hyde Park, NY 11040

co6 firehouse s 

Ambulance Unit
25 Prospect Street
Great Neck, NY 11021


Manhasset-Lakeville F.D. Website Committee

The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department Website Committee consists of a few dedicated members of the department who's responsbility is to keep MLFD.com updated with the most current incidents, events and information.  These same members are also responsible for operating the department's official social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  The Website Committee invites you to bookmark our webpage and follow us on our various social media outlets.

Webmaster - Lee E. Genser

Contributor - Daniel Dutton

Contributor - James Dempsey

Contributor - Mark Sard

Contributor - Christopher Rapone




Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department Recruitment


MLFD Recruitment Poster

Download the MLFD Recruitment Poster & Share With Friends & Family


We are currently accepting applications for Firefighters & Emergency Medical Technicians!

The members of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department are dedicated to providing professional-level service to the community. Our fire department is staffed by all volunteers and we are always looking for new members.

If you are interested in receiving more information about becoming a volunteer with the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department, please call (516) 466-4435 or simply fill-out the online form below and you will be contacted by a department representative within a few days.

Some benefits of joining...

  • Free training, classes and certification(s). Learn life-saving skills that can be used in your everyday personal life or help to obtain a career in public safety.
  • Free use of Firefighting and EMS gear and equipment. There is no cost to members.
  • Regular physical exams performed by our Dept. Surgeon at no charge to the member.
  • Retirement benefits - The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department participates in the New York State LOSAP program, which is based on your years of service. Qualified members are eligible to receive monthly benefit checks starting at age 60.
  • Great friendships and the opportunity to meet and work with dedicated people, like you.
  • Unmeasured satisfaction knowing that you are helping your community and saving lives.
  • For more information on the benefits of joining your local volunteer fire department please click here: http://fireinyou.org/why-volunteer.html

Some requirements to join...

  • All applicants must be at least 17 years old. (Parental consent needed for applicants under age of 18)
  • All applicants must be in good physical shape and be able to pass a department physical exam.
  • All applicants must pass a background check.
  • All applicants must be willing to maitain a percentage of total calls, attend monthly trainings and meetings, as well as other activities throughout the year.

The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department is comprised of five Fire Companies and an Ambulance Unit. Each of the five firehouses is strategically located throughout Manhasset, Great Neck and North New Hyde Park. Applicants have the opportunity to choose which Company or Unit they want to join.
  • Company #1 - Bayview Ave in Manhasset
  • Company #2 - Community Dr East in Manhasset
  • Company #3 - Prospect Street in Thomaston
  • Company #4 - Northern Blvd in Great Neck
  • Company #5 - 78th Ave in North New Hyde Park
  • Ambulance Unit - Prospect Street in Thomaston


Please use the form below to submit a request for a representative from the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department to contact you in regards to becoming a volunteer Firefighter or Emergency Medical Technician.  Items with a * below are required to be filled out in order to submit the form.



The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire & Water District

The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire & Water District offices are located at:

170 East Shore Road
Great Neck, NY 11023
Business Phone: (516) 466-4416



Fire District Manager
Hilary Grossman
Fire District Supervisor
Timothy Gould 


Assistant Supervisor
Kyle Dugger
Assistant Supervisor
Fleet Services
Steven Parsloe
Assistant Supervisor
Scott Chen
For additional information on the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire/Water District, please visit www.MLWD.net.





 M-LFD Dispatch Center in 2013

"WQNF566, 870, the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department signing on the air..."


The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department is dispatched by the full-time dispatchers of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District. All emergency calls are received by a full-time dispatcher, who then dispatches the appropriate Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department Companies or Units to respond based on the type and location of the emergency.

From early childhood people are taught to 9-1-1 if there is an emergency. While dialing 9-1-1 is a good method of requesting emergency assistance, in order to provide the fastest response time to the residents of the communities we serve, the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department insists that you please dial our direct emergency phone number at (516) 466-4411 for all FIRE and MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, day or night.

** Phone stickers and magnets with our emergency phone number are available for distribution at all of our firehouses.

How members receive notification of alarms:
  • A resident dials (516) 466-4411 and notifies a Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Dispatcher of a fire or medical emergency.

  • The dispatcher inputs the information given into the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) and selects which fire company, companies and/or ambulances will respond based on the caller's location.

  • Members of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department receive notification of emergencies over their voice pagers, like the one pictured to the right. The dispatcher activates the appropriate members using different "tones".

  • Members of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department respond in their personal vehicles to their respective firehouses and answer the call of the community.

  • Reminder: A flashing blue light on a vehicle indicates that a volunteer Firefighter or EMT is responding to an emergency. Please give them the courtesy of the road.
 Motorola Minitor 5

Nassau County-Wide Low Band 1 (46.10)

This channel is used primarily for the dispatching of fire and ambulance calls throughout Nassau County, NY. Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department members receive notification of alarms via their voice pagers on this frequency. Monday thru Saturday at 1830 hours 870 performs daily radio checks on this frequency.

Nassau County-Wide Low Band 2 (46.12)
Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department units responding to alarms (Signal 21) and arriving at locations (Signal 22) will transmit to 870 over this low-band frequency. All other requests and notifications to 870 are to be made over this frequency only. 870 and Nassau County FireCom use this frequency to contact command posts or bases during incidents.
Manhasset-Lakeville High-Band Frequency (155.1450)
This high-band frequency is the main fire gound operations frequency for Manhasset-Lavkeille Fire Department units. This frequency is to be used by units responding to or on the scene to contact each other. Examples: Chiefs-to-Chiefs, Chiefs-to-Officers, Officers-to-Officers, Officers-to-Members, Apparatus-to-Apparatus, etc.



Nassau County & M-LFD Radio Signals
1 - All units eliminate unnecessary transmissions 51-60 - Unassigned - Reserved for future use
2 - Un-assigned (Reserved for future use) 61-70 - Available for any use 
3 - Unit involved in accident - Injured Personnel 63 - M-LFD Truck Out of Service 
4 - Unit disabled - Need assistance 64 - M-LFD Truck Back in Service 
5 - Activate traffic signal - Open doors 71 - Company Meeting 
6 - Stand-by for orders where you are 72 - Company Drill or Training 
7 - Release personnel in stations 72B - Company Drill or Training at F.S.A. (Bethpage) 
8 - Still alarm - Grass, oil burner, car fire, etc. 73 - Rescue Company or Squad Meeting 
9a - Ambulance - Emergency - Rescue call 74 - Rescue Company or Squad Training or Drill 
10 - Working Building Fire or Emergency - Clear The Air 74B - Rescue Company or Squad Training or Drill at F.S.A. (Bethpage) 
11 - Call by land line (phone) at your convenience 75 - Officers Meeting 
12 - Fire under control - Slow Down & Proceed with caution 76 - Department Meeting 
13 - Return to quarters or returning to quarters 77 - Department Drill or Training 
14 - Request for Police - Routine traffic control or reports 77B - Department Drill or Training at F.S.A. (Bethpage) 
14A - Request PD - Ambulance 78 - Funeral or Memorial Service 
14M - Request PD - Mental Aided 79 - Drill Team Drill or Practice 
14R - Request PD - Rescue 80 - Parade
15 - Radio check (5x5 Loud & Clear, 3x3 Weak & Unclear) 81 - Assistant Fire Inspectors Meeting 
16 - Call doctor (Dept. Surgeon)  82 - Fund Drive 
17 - Unit not available for duty  83 - Drivers Training 
18 - Unit available for duty  84 - Clean-up 
19 - Unit leaving district  85 - Uniform Inspection or Fitting 
20 - Unit returning to district  86 - Blood Drive 
21 - Unit responding to scene  87 - Physical Exam 
22 - Unit arriving at scene  Code 87 - M-LFD Member or Member's Family in need 
23 - Message received "OK"  88 - Softball Game or Practice
24 - Request Fire Marshal - Routine  89 - Picnic or Outing
25 - Request Fire Marshal - Immediate Investigation  90 - Tour of FireCom 
25D - Request Fire Marshal - Immediate, Death at scene  91 - Indefinite - Available for any use 
25HM - Request Fire Marshal - HazMat Response Team Code 99 - Cardiac Arrest 
27 - Request utility (E = Electric, G = Gas, W = Water, R = LIRR, H = Highway)  
28 - Request refilling air bottles at the scene   
29 - Request for Chaplain (C = Catholic, J = Jewish, P = Protestant)  
30 - Request refreshments at the scene  
31 -  Fuel needed at scene or stopping for fuel  
32 - Sound General Alarm - Reinforce initial response  
33 - Request mutual aid - (What & From Who?)  
34 - Invalid Building  
35 - Switch from Battalion Freq to Countywide 46.10  
36 - Switch from Countywide to Battalion Freq  
37 - Switch to Mobile-to-Mobile Frequency   
38 - Training or Drill   
39 - Verify location of alarm   
40 - Give your location or location of alarm   
41 - All units at scene sound horns - Firefighters leave building immediately   
42-48 - Unassigned - Reserved for future use  
49 - Obvious D.O.A. - For EMS Units  
50 - Request for Police - Dangerous situation or civil disturbance  

About The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department 

The Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department covers ten square miles and has a residential population of over 44,000, and more than three times that amount during the work week. Within the district there are two major hospitals, an industrial park, three high schools, seven middle and elementary schools, numerous shopping centers, houses of worship, office buildings and stores, major access highways and our Town Hall. We also cover over two miles of shorefront.

In 2009, the M-LFD responded to over 2,050 incidents, including over 1,230 house or structure calls, 820 ambulance calls, and various other emergencies including brush fires, electrical wires and car or truck fires. This also includes motor vehicle accidents, which at times required the use of the fire department's heavy rescue units.

To properly protect the diverse district life and property, the district supplies its 255 all-volunteer fire department members with the latest in fire fighting and rescue equipment. In addition to the new fire vehicles, the district over the last few years has purchased or leased operational
equipment such as thermal imaging cameras for all the companies; Hurst tools "Jaws of Life" for the two heavy rescue and highway companies; radios; air packs; and advance life support systems on the two ambulances and budgeted for all chief's cars.

New equipment has also been purchased for behind the scenes maintenance of district operational equipment. The new hydraulic lift system installed at our district maintenance facility allows our mechanics to perform routine tune-ups and special repairs to equipment that would have otherwise been sent out to more costly service centers. The cascade system allows our maintenance department to refill the air bottles used by fire fighters in heavy smoke filled environments to be filled safely and quickly. This reduces the turn around time that bottles can be
put back into service. They presently service 150 air packs and 150 spare bottles.

Training of the fire district staff, as well as the volunteer firefighters, is provided through the Nassau County Fire Service Academy, conferences and symposiums and professional associations. It is funded through the district education budget and education records on all district and fire department staff is kept at the district headquarters.

Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department Emergency Phone Number

If any resident is need of assistance from the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department, do not hestitate to call our emergency number at (516) 466-4411. This phone number will get you in direct contact with our dispatchers. Have the speed dial on your home or office phone programmed to this number in case of any fire or medical emergencies. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to receive free phone stickers with this important information for your home or office.

If you see flashing blue lights on a vehicle driving behind you, that is a volunteer fire department member responding to an emergency. Please be kind and give them the courtesy of the road.

Alarm Company Notifications

Many alarm system installers mistakenly indicate that our residents are served by other local fire departments (such as New Hyde Park, Port Washington or Great Neck) rather than the fire department you are actually being protected by. If you receive a water bill from the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District, then please make sure your alarm company has in their system that your residence is served by the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department.  If you are unsure whether you live within the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District, please call (516) 466-4435 to verify your address.


Many times, alarm companies will notify 911 or a different local fire department instead of contacting our dispatchers directly for alarm activations.  Alarm companies notifying the incorrect agency is a very common issue we encounter, especially for residents living in Great Neck because there two other fire department that serve the Great Neck peninsula.  It is very important to make sure that your alarm company knows to contact us directly at (516) 466-4411.  When the incorrect agency is contacted by an alarm company, your emergency call needs to be redirected to the proper one.  Notifying the incorrect agency delays any sort of response in an emergency.  Making sure that you have the correct fire department name and phone number listed with your fire alarm company will save precious minutes in an emergency situation.

We urge all residents living within the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District to call their fire alarm company today and make sure that you have the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department listed as your fire department and (516) 466-4411 as the fire department phone number.  Again, if you are unsure whether you live within the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District, please call (516) 466-4435 to verify your address.  

Fire Hydrants & Their Adopted Owners 

Residents living within the boundaries of the Manhasset-Lakeville Water/Fire District are asked to please maintain the area around any and all fire hydrants that are located on their property.  A minimum of 3 feet in all directions must be maintained around fire hydrants in order for fire department members to operate them properly.  This means fire hydrants for 3 feet in all directions must be clear of plants, trees and shrubs, debris, construction materials, vehicles and any other objects that would prohibit fire apparatus from being able to secure a fire hydrant. 

In the winter months, residents should make it a point to shovel snow away from fire hydrants and in the spring/summer months trim shrubs, plants and trees on their property.  Allowing shrubs, plants and trees to overgrow or allowing snow to cover your "adopted" fire hydrant makes it extremely difficult to locate these vital pieces of firefighting equipment.

Precious minutes count when responding to fire emergencies and the cooperation of our vigilant residents will help us locate hydrants faster during someone's time of need.  It is very important that all fire hydrants are visible from the street, so that responding fire apparatus can immediately locate, hook-up and operate them accordingly.  HELP US HELP YOU.

In addition, please contact the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District at (516) 466-4416 should you suspect any unauthorized use of fire hydrants.


MLFD Calls per year 2011 to 2021

Konata Ragin - Company # 3
Michael Dea - Company # 1

Deputy Chief Michael Rice
Company # 1

Deputy Chief Gregory Weisburd
Company # 2
Deputy Chief Scott Chen
Company # 5

Michael Bernatovich
Company # 3

Sevan Yepharian
Company # 4

Carly Farrone
Company # 5
Barry Ceasar
Company # 4
Claire Scherder
Ambulance Unit
Giulia Marino
Ambulance Unit

The Manhasset-Lakeville Junior Fire Department was established in 2016. The program is open to any teen, 14-16 years old. The juniors meet monthly to learn about the fire department. The juniors train like regular firefighters and EMTs. We are also a member of the Nassau County Junior Firefighter's Association. There are other various dates where the junior firefighters attend department and county-wide functions as well as marching in parades. The juniors are issued gear and a dress uniform. This program not only teaches skills and techniques about firefighting and some basic EMS, but it also reinforces a positive environment and concentrates on responsibility, social interaction, and leadership.This program is a great way to get in place to become a member of the Manhasset Lakeville Fire Department. After the junior member turns 17, he or she will become eligible to join one of the Manhasset Lakeville Fire Department companies.



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